The CCE Streetlights were upgraded to LED lights in January of 2018. The new lights are significantly brighter than our old lights, and will last years longer. This was a free upgrade.
CCEPOA, Inc. leases all of the streetlights within the community from FPL. Maintenance of the streetlights is provided by FPL as part of the lease. The CCEPOA streetlight account number is 9909098015 (copy this number for the problem report). Please report any outages or problems with a streetlight at the link below:
Report a Streetlight Problem to FPL
Be sure to have the street address of the nearest house to the streetlight. Record the birthmark on the pole if one exists (the birthmark is the small metal tag affixed to the pole). Be sure to select this type of streetlight (traditional):
In the details section of the streetlight address please mention the pole is located inside Cypress Creek Estates.
Identify the type of problem with the streetlight. Your choices will be one of the following:
- Light is completely out
- Light turns on and off
- Light stays on 24 hours
- Light is dim
- Lights flicker on and off repidly
- Multiple lights out in a row
- Other – Non Emergency
Use the link above to report the problem. The information on this page is merely a reference to help prepare you for the FPL trouble report.